Thursday, March 08, 2007

SBA Group Interaction Assessment Criteria

To get full marks, students should be able to do well in these four areas:

I. Pronunciation and Delivery
Can project the voice appropriately for the context.
Can pronounce all sounds/sound clusters and words clearly and accurately.
Can speak fluently and naturally, with very little hesitation, and using intonation to enhance communication.

II. Communication Strategies
Can use appropriate body language to display and encourage interest.
Can use a full range of turn-taking strategies to initiate and maintain appropriate interaction, and can draw others into extending the interaction (e.g. by summarising for others' benefit, or by redirecting a conversation); can avoid the use of narrowly-formulaic expressions when doing this.

III. Vocabulary & Language Patterns
Can use a wide range of accurate vocabulary.
Can use varied and highly accurate language patterns; minor slips do not impede communication.
Can self-correct effectively.

IV. Ideas and Organisation
Can express a wide range of relevant information and ideas without any signs of difficulty.
Can consistently respond effectively to others, sustaining and extending a conversational exchange.
Can use the full range of questioning and response levels to engage with peers.

Group Interaction (F.4 sba 06-07) NON-Print Fiction

A. Background
- Name of film, type of film, names of directors & actors if known, awards received if any.
- setting, plot (very briefly)...etc.

B. Themes
- Main themes or issues i.e. what message(s) is/are the film trying to give us
- Has this changed your opinion about anything? Explain.

C. Characters
- Which of the characters in the film do you admire/ dislike most? Why?
- If you were him/ her, would you behave differently? How?
- Do you know anyone who is like the character(s) in the film? Who ? In what way?
- Have you experienced anything similar to that of the main character(s)?

D. Personal Feedback
- Would you recommend this film to your friends? Why?
- Do you like the ending of the film? Why? How would you change it if you could?
- What is your most / least favourite part of the film? Why?

E. Sequel
- Imagine that you have to make a sequel to the film, what would it be like? Try to compromise on the plot if possible.

* Part A is compulsory at the beginning of each discussion
* In addition, each group has to discuss questions from at least TWO other parts in the order designated by the teacher at the time of the assessment.
* Each group of four has to talk for six to ten minutes
* Note CARD written on one side may be used for reference during the assessment.
* Students are reminded of the importance of interaction during a discussion and the use of concrete examples to support yor views.